Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gymbo blankets

Gymbo blankets make GREAT fabric. You get a print, a solid that matches, an embroidery that matches and binding and if you're lucky you get them on sale for $10! Good deal.
Sometimes, I will get them for more if it's a print that I *love* but only came in the baby sizes. Anyways, on my online sewing group it was asked how to take them apart and save the binding. So, Here is the best way to take apart a gymbo blanket.
First, you need to unpick the stitches holding the tag on.

Find the place where the binding starts and stops. It's about 2 inches from where the tag was.

Next on the "Right" side (The right side is the solid color with the embroidery) about 1 inch to the right of where the seam of the binding is you need to unpick 2 or three stitches using either a seam ripper or small scissors. Do not start on the binding seam because this is is top stitched down, not chain stitched! (The seam of the binding is being held in my left hand in their picture if it helps you visualize)

Next pull the binding a little bit from the blanket and snip one stitch on the side of the "hole" in stitches away from the binding seam. (to the right in this picture)

When you flip over the blanket and gently tug on the chain stitching, the thread should pull out easily. If not clip one or 2 more stitches on the other side.
Once you get it to pull easy, just keep pulling and pulling.
Until you get to the seam.
Now, you will need to pick stitches again. There are 2 layers of stitches to pick here.
Wallah! The binding is off.
Next go around the blanket cutting the looper stitches.
And pull the two layers apart. it comes apart REALLY easily this way.


If you get a snag on the chain side's tread, do NOT yank. This will make a horrible knot and you'll have to start over on getting it undone by picking threads.
Simply, flip your blanket over and pull on the single thread. Give this a nice firm tug.
Flip over again and gently pull to see if the snag came undone. Try again. If it doesn't work after 2 tries, go ahead an unpick a few stitches on the right side and try again.

Wonder what to do with gymbo blankets?
BubbaChic made an adorable dress from one.
Material Mama made a romper for a baby.
Lots of people make diapers to match their gymboree clothing.

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