Thursday, February 24, 2011

My 2011 goals

Obviously it wasn't "blog more" if it was, I would have already failed. There are as follows;
1. Spend more time doing things I really love and not let random nothingness fill my day. This includes inviting people over more often, and creating things.
I've done pretty good on this goal so far. I have made every gift we've given this year including; a mermaid's tail towel, a bouquet of hair bows, a Daphne costume, marble mazes for The Bear's Valentine's, and a Fancy Nancy Art portfolio. I forgot to take pictures of some of these items, and some have not been gifted, yet.
2. Get my house back in order. Having Peanut REALLY set me back a notch. Now, I was never a clean freak, but at least my house used to not need a Hazmat team to come to get it back in shape. This goal goes in waves, depending on the health (and teething) of my children and me. i really need to get this under control so #2's inviting people over can happen.

3. Get The Bear's hair into shape. She has such a tender head that getting her to let me comb it was WW3, but she wanted to wear it long. This has been a HUGE success. Daily, we comb it and style it under threat of cutting it up to her ears. (Since it goes to her waist now, that is a HUGE deal to her.) I must say, I've gotten pretty good at braiding, interesting parts, multiple pony tails, buns, et al. Sadly, I have taken very few pictures of these pursuits. Perhaps, taken more pictures again should be a goal?

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